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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stacey's 18th

On the 12th of October, Magnum and I helped out Stacey to take photos at her 18th birthday.
With this, he has also just opened his very first photography page on facebook!
 (Link's below, don't forget to like the page!)

I hope everyone has much fun as we did :)
Thanks for the invitation again, Stacey.
Stay beautiful


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Light Spring

Araluen Botanical Garden

I missed the warmth of the sun after a few months of cold and wet winter.
I was hoping to see some blossomed flowers, sad to say they wilted away.
2010 was the last year I embraced nature, the greens brought back remarkable memories.

What I have on me:
Valley Girl
Cotton On
Kate Hill 

My amazing boy shot these photos with his new camera, and I am in love!
