We went to 3 places in Greece: Mykonos, Athens and Santorini. This is going to be a looooong post, just so you know.
It was 6 am in the morning, we were all tired but excited to reach the hotel to get some good rest. We wheeled our heavy bags on pebbled streets, thinking "it's so quiet, everyone must be asleep!". Then we heard voices ahead of us. Loud laughter, bottles clinking. Little did we know that Mykonos was actually a party island... So we walked passed them, ignoring the glances we caught and finally arrived at our hotel. AND THE RECEPTION WAS CLOSED and only opening at 9am. I was beyond pissed due to lack of sleep. We had to sit and wait for nearly 3 hours (The guy came late, so lets make it 9:25 AM)
After all the check in and refreshments, we went out for brunch at a cozy cafe. It was super cheap, healthy and delicious. Quoting Matty "Now, THIS is life"
We weren't there for long but I got so tanned I was almost olive brown from quad biking and beach hoping!
We weren't there for long but I got so tanned I was almost olive brown from quad biking and beach hoping!
Before our ferry ride to Santorini, we stopped for a quick chill drink and lolly shopping.
One word. Freaking beautiful. Although our car ride up to the cave house was petrifying, but it gave us a good view of Santorini. We decided to spend a little bit more on our accomodation in Santorini just so we can have the best, and we did have the best.
This photo was taken straight after Ella, our house keeper gave us information, rules and regulation
about the house and area.
Let me tell you, the photos we took of the view as seen on me and Magnum's Instagram, if you follow us, does NO justice. When I stood up there, warm salty breeze sweep over my face and I honestly felt like I died.
Our accomodation? Worth. Every. Dollar.
The photo below shows me walking out the cave house door, and right out the door is where I'm sitting (photo above). Postcard and magazine view. So many couple were doing photo shoots just few blocks down from us, that is if they do it without theia from next door screaming her lungs out, asking them to stop going into other people's private property.
And of course, who am I without plenty of "Magnum, take a photo of me here" "One more" "Now take one of me and Stacey" "Another one, look at my hair" "Wait" ? not forgetting me yelling "MATT! STACEY! COME SIT HERE, YOU GUYS WILL LOOK GOOD HERE. QUICK"
The next day after breakfast, we walked alllllll the way down to Amoudi Bay using 300 super steep staircase. I did not manage to take any photos of the stairs because if I am not careful, which I normally am not (shout out to Magnum for being my carer for 3 years, cheers bub. I have to admit, he is VERY underpaid.) would have slipped my way down and/or probably stepped on Donkey poo.
If Magnum wasn't there to be my lifeguard or Stacey's encouragement, I wouldn't have gone into the water due to past experience of nearly drowning. The boys swam out towards the cliff just to jump off it (behind me, in the photo below), me and Stacey took photos and took turns looking after our belongings.

While uploading this photo of my lunch after Amoudi Bay, I realised all I ate at the Greek Islands were either Greek salad or seafood. MMM!!
To finish the day, we took more photos and was booked in for a romantic dinner.
We were so lucky to be seated at where we were at the Sunset restaurant as the view was mesmerizing and if you look closely at the photo above, people literally lined up just to take a photo with/of the sunset.
I ordered steak, not knowing its the most expensive dish because I am that stupid LOL. Asked for medium rare, received a fully cooked steak. Food experience? 2/10. Experience without food? 100/10.
We spent our last night in Santorini as double couple with cake(s) and wine. Talked about our entire trip and how 1 month just flew past, what we could/ should have done and what we will do next.
We were invited to the cave house owner's private house and black sand beach on our last day. I was beyond thrilled. First the post card view, and then black sand beach? Are you J.K. ?! Because I'll be Rowling there in no time! (Lol, sorry for the punny joke. Not really sorry).
Home made banana ice-cream that failed but turned out so good, made by the one and only amazing cave house owner. She also took us to a local restaurant that served XXL portion of steak. I couldn't find the photos D: It must be in Magnum's PC but the point is it was SO BIG I had to get help to finish it.
One last dip before we had to get ready for dinner.
Homemade pizza with an amazing view with good chat(s).
9pm. We bid farewell to everyone and left Santorini with amazing experiences in our hearts. En route to Athens to catch our flight back to Dubai, then Perth.
Europe, you have been very kind to us. This trip wouldn't have been memorable without the all 3 people sitting next to me and people who helped us when in need.
OH WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION! In Athens on the way to the airport, a super kind taxi driver took us to the top of a hill to over look Athens and catch a glimpse of the Acropolis. We couldn't go visit the Acropolis itself as we were short of time.
Fun fact: Hitler did not destroy the Acropolis because he admired Greek architectural design.
Another fun fact: The houses in Athens are built with many floors to conserve land space.
Another fun fact: Bye
I wonder where our next destination will be? America? Hmm...